
Public Domain library collected, cataloged and sold by DevWare Inc.

DevWare created a public domain disk library composed of three different series. Their “DevDisk” series contained tools and information for the Amiga software developer and power user (often source code was provided). Their “WorkBench” series was designed to be of general interest to all people and these programs could generally be used from the WorkBench. And their “FunDisk” series was generally made up of games programs.

DevWare made it easy to tell which series was which; the first two letters of a disk represent the series, DD# is the “DevDisk” series, WB# is the “WorkBench series, and FD# is the “FunDisk” series.

In many cases individual disks in a series were catalogued by theme (fonts, utilities, graphics utilities, pacman lookalike games, etc…). They would try to fill each disk to capacity with as many high quality programs as were available. 

Most of the files on the “DevDisk” series do not have icons in order to maximize space and were intended to be accessed via the CLI. The disks were also generally not bootable with a minimal version of Workbench - again, to pack as many programs and files as possible.

The original disk labels were formatted on an Amiga and cut out by hand. The color labels were done on a duplicating machine.

DevWare advertised their catalog in US-based Amiga magazines to reach as wide a market as possible at the time. The company was based La Jolla, a neighborhood in San Diego, California.  


Special Note: 

Due to how DevWare originally created and duplicated their disks for customers across multiple years, the actual dates found on the disks themselves do not always match when the disk was originally produced nor does it necessarily represent the years of the software found on each disk. As a result dating these disks is more focused on the physical disk itself, not the content. Also, some of the drawers and files were often copied in such a way that newer dates would sometimes overwrite original creation dates. FYI



Collection Disks

DevWare DevDisk 054 Compression Utilities
DevWare DevDisk 054 Compression Utilities
Public Domain

Arc, IFF Crunch, Lharc, Lhwarp, PowerPaker, PPmore, PKax, Warp, PkaZip, Zoo

DevWare WBDisk 070 Desktop Publishing
DevWare WBDisk 070 Desktop Publishing
Public Domain

Atcp, Calendar Templates, Post V1.7

DevWare DevDisk 082 Minix Demo
DevWare DevDisk 082 Minix Demo
Public Domain

Minix Demo

DevWare DevDisk 077 Programming
DevWare DevDisk 077 Programming
Public Domain

C-Fortran 77, EZAsm

DevWare DevDisk 055 Complete ARP
DevWare DevDisk 055 Complete ARP
Public Domain

ArpRe, ConMan, Arp UserDocs, ArpPro

DevWare DevDisk 0051 Aspice, Circuit Analysis
DevWare DevDisk 0051 Aspice, Circuit Analysis
Public Domain

Aspice 3.2

DevWare DevDisk 049 Programming Language
DevWare DevDisk 049 Programming Language
Public Domain

C - ZC, Preprocessor - ZCC, Assembler - A68K, Linker - Blink

DevWare FunDisk 024 Strategy Games
DevWare FunDisk 024 Strategy Games
Public Domain

AmiPsychic, Animal, China, Circuit Wars, Dicey!, ETrian, Reversi, MM, Pitch

DevWare FunDisk 010 Adventure Games HackLite
DevWare FunDisk 010 Adventure Games HackLite
Public Domain

HackLite: Hack 1.0.3B

DevWare FunDisk 005 Tactical Games
DevWare FunDisk 005 Tactical Games
Public Domain

BattleForce, BullRun, Metro