Glad everyone is liking things so far.
Since the Software archive went live, the following has been added:
- Tracy Amiga Group (TAG) disks (9 total, donated)
- Bronx Users Group (BUG) disks (7 total, donated)
- David Dunklee's most recent versions of ADF2disk, and disk2ADF. ADF2Disk is what I've been using in this project to create all of the ADFs from physical floppies.
- Six more DevWare "DevDisks" (donated) - all engineering/programming focused.
I am likely going to take a bit of a break, but next up I want to add the entire collection of User Group disks from Memphis Amiga Group (MAG). Their site finally came down in 2023 but I collected all the disks they had made available. So, I can bring those back to life. They are really, really good. And there are a
lot. The site is still
viewable on the Wayback Machine, thankfully, albeit very slowly. Their predecessor group, Memphis Commodore Users Club (MCUC) also published a
paper magazine for three years from 1988-1990, which is a lot of fun to look through as well.
MAG is one of the groups that originally inspired this archival project years ago after I learned about them - and really got me focused after their site was retired last year. That site was
fantastic and great fun to explore. In any case, 1987-1996 with 124 disks.