These days part of my nightly routine involves reading messages on the various sub-forums on Particles BBS as well as a few others in the retro-computing scene that are still active. I currently connect to them with my C64 Breadbin using Jim Drew's fantastic WiFi modem and CCGMS Elite 2.0 terminal software.
In the near future I'd like to get one of my Amigas online, too (like the 2000 as I adore its keyboard), and hit the same BBS'es that I love to read on my C64. I actually really enjoy the 40 column mode that is native to the C64. It’s exceptionally easy to read and consume. But getting the 2000 into the mix would be a total blast, I know.
Whenever I do, I'd like to use an Amiga terminal program that supports PETSCII, since the Commodore sites I visit use PETSCII graphics in their menus. Some even have PETSCII art sections to browse, which are pretty great, considering these are created out of really simple shapes that any C= keyboard could produce.
Recently on Particles I ran across a post by one of the regulars there who just recently got his Amiga 1200 freshly re-capped and is hitting the BBS with it. He mentioned that he'd been using 64Door, an Amiga terminal program which a few Amigans use to access C= hosted BBS'es because it supports PETCII. But he discovered another terminal program called Color Term 2.2, which he'd been hunting down for years and finally got a copy. The advantage of Color Term is that it also supports downloads, while 64Door does not.
In any case, I've been able to obtain a copy of both programs, which I offer here for those that wish to try them out for themselves. If your Amiga is online, take a crack at a Commodore hosted BBS with one of these terminal programs next time, and let us know what you think!
Download 64Door ADF
Download Color Term 2.2 ADF