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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:30 pm

A couple of nights ago, my son and I completed Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis for the first time. We'd been working on it together nearly every night for a month, about 30 minutes at a time.
Indy and Sophia watch the birth of a volcano that was only destined to live for about a minute.

We had such a great time bouncing ideas off each other, sometimes backtracking and taking different paths. When we would finally find a new clue or solve a puzzle, high fives were made and they were solid and loud. At one point my wife ran down the stairs to the basement wondering what had happened, and was annoyed to discover the source of the commotion.

I think we should go for another Lucasfilms classic (maybe several). And no, I never finished this game back in the day. So why not enjoy it together now as a co-op adventure? Right?

Not to mention, the previous owner's kid left behind a ton of fascinating notes and even a map. It feels like I dug up a tree stump only to find a skeleton holding a treasure map in its hands.
We might just read those before hand (at least, I will). They won't make any sense, but maybe they'll spark an idea in the future.

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Posted Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:51 pm

intric8 wrote:
Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:30 pm
A couple of nights ago, my son and I completed Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis for the first time. We'd been working on it together nearly every night for a month, about 30 minutes at a time.

We had such a great time bouncing ideas off each other, sometimes backtracking and taking different paths. When we would finally find a new clue or solve a puzzle, high fives were made and they were solid and loud. At one point my wife ran down the stairs to the basement wondering what had happened, and was annoyed to discover the source of the commotion.

I think we should go for another Lucasfilms classic (maybe several). And no, I never finished this game back in the day. So why not enjoy it together now as a co-op adventure? Right?

Not to mention, the previous owner's kid left behind a ton of fascinating notes and even a map. It feels like I dug up a tree stump only to find a skeleton holding a treasure map in its hands. ETmpqxJUcAIFHvt.jpg

We might just read those before hand (at least, I will). They won't make any sense, but maybe they'll spark an idea in the future.
Oh man this is so cool.. Wish I could get my kids to enjoy Amiga and we could do this together. What great fun and actually thats how two friends would play an Amiga game back in the day. 1 computer sharing that time. Great great job!

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Posted Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:20 am

Sooooo did the team start Monkey Island?

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:39 pm

We did, but hardware projects got in the way. So it’s on hiatus right now.

We keep picking up Millie and Mollie on C64. Up to level 57 now (out of 100).

And last night I installed The Lost Vikings, which actually has some puzzle-solving similarities to M&M.

Think we’re going to play that instead for now and give adventures a pause.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:25 am

I got really far in Lost Vikings, but ultimately got tired of it. I think I had maybe half a dozen more levels to go but each level was taking me several days just to work out the puzzle. Once I had it understood, some of the arcade perfection to get all 3 vikings safely to the other side grew to be painfully hard at times.

I just got tired of it. I'll come back to it at some stage and do my best to finish it off. I know I'd love to see whatever the end-scene is, as I'm sure it'll be pretty cool. But I needed a break from that kind of frustration.

So I've been kind of wandering from game to game recently to see what might click for a nice long-term grind.

I finally settled on Pools of Darkness, which I've been warned is also very hard. Regardless, over the last couple of days I got mentally prepared. I was able to successfully import my party from Secret of Silver Blades, which was nice. Rather than starting the game naked at 8th level, most of my characters are 15th! And, they have their really nice armor and weapons from before. My mage is a freaking death bringer. His fireballs are GIGANTIC!

Anywhoo, the first couple of encounters were mindlessly easy. I was completely focused on the story as it was presented and really just trying to get my bearings. Also very much liking the minor graphical enhancements, even if the overall package is entirely unsurprising.
Nice how the character names change color when you increase in level.

Then I came across Vala again, who I'd just seen in Silver Blades. She's a bad ass really strong scantily clad warrior. Nice to see some actual continuity between these games. Anyway I cleared out the dungeon she was in and got to a final battle.

Oh. My. God.

It was so ridiculously hard I couldn't believe it. My party walked into a total meat grinder. I had to reboot the game at least 6 times to figure out my tactics. On top of that, when I finally won the battle half my "mighty" party was dead. (My party can easily heal itself now, though, including dead folks.)

Gandalf, is that you?

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Wed Jul 28, 2021 3:52 pm

I finally finished Pools of Darkness. Took me long enough, but the game is pretty huge! I've posted a full review to the Games Library complete with raw feelings and salty language, screenshots and ADFs from my original disks.

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Twickenham , U.K.

Posted Thu Jul 29, 2021 5:25 am

Well done. Old school RPG's are not easy. I have attempted Maniac Mansion with my two daughters on multiple occasions, and we always get stuck. But they love gaming on the original hardware and swapping disks. Nothing beats the physicality of the real thing.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Sat Aug 07, 2021 4:23 pm

August is a busy time most years as we are always traveling somewhere it seems. This year is no different as I'm at my cabin for a week then off to the San Francisco Bay Area the following week to celebrate a "milestone" birthday. Gulp! Really looking forward to that trip, though.

Since I recently finished Pools of Darkness, which was a really long journey, I'm kind of hemming and hawing over the next challenge. I don't want to jump into anything too deep after finishing such a long, challenging game. Something different should be in order. I've been flip-flopping between Reel Fishin' (aka Gone Fishin'), Tetris or Deja Vu. All good, fun choices. Deja Vu would require the most concentration, hence why I'm leaning more towards Tetris or a somewhat lesser-known fishing simulator.

Guess I have plenty of time to make up my mind since I'll be away from my machines for a while.

That's the only real hard part about vacations - I don't have a portable, luggable "SX-A1000" or something similar. Although I do know someone around these parts who told me he has an SX-1200 that he handmade all by himself, believe it or not.

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Posted Sat Oct 22, 2022 6:12 pm

I absolutely loved Bard's Tale II and Champions of Krynn as a teen and remain a CRPG fan to this day. I recently bought an A500 and can't wait to get into these nostalgic titles, and maybe even finish them this time around!

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