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Posted Thu Nov 17, 2022 3:03 pm

Whoops. I've been reading these forums for 2ish years and at some point I even made an account to keep track of read posts. So here is my late greetings from Orlando. I still spend at least two holidays in Central Texas during the year. I'd take pictures, but you'll just have to imagine my Amigas for now as I'm supposed to be working on paperwork right now. I have an opened NTSC 1K with a matching keyboard that is in sore need of a newly printed floppy eject button, an NTSC 2K with the nice mechanical keyboard and a PAL 500+ that I equipped with a space invader keyboard. Then I have a stock 500 that my sweetheart used as a kid. Oh and I have a second stock 500 that I'm in the process of "fixing".

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Thu Nov 17, 2022 4:19 pm

Thanks for "taking the plunge" Appee - good to hear from you! Your collection sounds very nice indeed.

Looking forward to seeing you around the site.

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Posted Wed Dec 14, 2022 1:37 pm

Hi Appee,

I'll go with my favourite mantra: pics! We (ok, I ;) ) want pics!
Its been a time since your teaser.

What do you do with your miggies - playing gammes? Listening to music or pixeling some nice pics?

And what are some special stories about fond memories you had with a mmiggy back then?
Let us hear about you youth :) .


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Posted Thu Dec 15, 2022 6:06 am

So I actually married into Amiga. I was born in 85 and grew up with an Atari 2600 and am NES. Didnt get another console until the PS1 was getting a little older. So I have a special place in my heart for chip tunes. We actually were an x86 family and updated pretty regularly.

So it was my partner that grew up with Amiga. Her mom had actually ran and owned an Amiga store. So one of the first times at her house I was admiring some amigas on display and reading their boxes. After booting one on for the first its first time in 15 years, I wouldn't shut up about how impressive they were for their era. So next thing I know I inherited an Amiga 1000 with a matching keyboard, an Amiga 2000 with its space invader mechanical keys and an Amiga 500 Rev 6A that didn't quite boot up. That Amiga 500 is surprisingly beautiful. It's body never yellowed!

So I'll wait until my new monitor arrives for pictures. Hopefully by then I can close up my A1K. It needs a new floppy button. I finally got around to trouble shooting the A500 and it has bad RAM. It's soldered instead of dips so I've been procrastinating. Hopefully this little blub ties you over.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Thu Dec 15, 2022 9:50 am

If you should ever retire from duty and decide to move on, the hardest part will be changing the name! :wink:
Oh, now that is super interesting. When did she close the business? Was it located in Orlando, too?

Does she have any pictures of her old shop?

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Posted Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:42 am

The shop was in Houston, Texas. It was called Computer Age. I have a really thick mouse pad with the name of it. They had a second location maybe close to Dallas. I'll have to ask her and see if she has pictures. She's the family historian and has been editing pictures since the Amiga. I bet she has something.

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Posted Thu Dec 15, 2022 4:47 pm

Well now that’s an awesome story.

I really like „I married into Amiga“ 🤣

Thanks for sharing!
And yes, pics would be awesome.

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