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Posted Sat Feb 18, 2023 9:28 am

The capstone of TI-99/4a development requiring a special 1 mb SAMS expansion and either a TIPI or two disk drives, this game has finally ensnared me. I ordered the collectors edition of one of the biggest pre 90's system games in the last 3 years. I'm excited to play and I want more traffic on Amigalove in general so it's a win win to brag about it now that I caved on ordering one of the last copies.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Sat Feb 18, 2023 10:18 am

That game really does look amazing. If I was a TI Guy, I'd be all over it. Massively strong Ultima vibes.

Keep us up to date on your adventures - even if it takes many moons! These kinds of games can be a long-term commitment; one that stays with you forever. I know Ultima IV stuck with me.

Some screenshots of RoA, for those that haven't heard of it before.


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Lexington VA

Posted Sun Feb 19, 2023 7:40 am

Adam did an amazing job. Its so weird to look back over this, we had so many conversations about this so many years ago and he started his blog on it back in pre 2010 I think...

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Posted Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:26 am

Wow, this looks impressive.

This is the first time that I see a TI/99 program including games that I thought „wow, cool, too bad it’s not available on my platform“

… does such thing as a TI/99 emulator for the Amiga exist? 😉

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Posted Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:39 am

McTrinsic wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:26 am
Wow, this looks impressive.

This is the first time that I see a TI/99 program including games that I thought „wow, cool, too bad it’s not available on my platform“

… does such thing as a TI/99 emulator for the Amiga exist? 😉
Wouldn't that be fantastic? Sadly there isn't. Classic99 for windows is pretty light so you could run it on a weaker machine.
More recent versions of Mame for sure work for other platforms. Possibly if you have an RTG and an 060 you could run it. I have a Vampire lying around somewhere and it could be an interesting experiment.

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Posted Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:46 am

The TI-99/4a is great machine for what it is. The computer isn't hard to come by (maybe 45 bucks) but RoA pushes the system and uses a 1mb expansion that uses bank switching which is about a 120 bucks and then you need a tipi which runs another 100 and then a raspberry pi. I've heard it can run with already a zero w which can be had from scalpers for about 30 bucks. So for about 300 bucks you could have the whole set up.

I'm finally setting up my tipi as I've been procrastinating on set up as one does. The 1mb expansion is called a SAMS and mine requires mini USB? I reluctantly put in for a 1 day mail order after losing the battle with my cables drawer, but the tipi sd card is configured. The physical game is on its way in the mail and so I'm trying to exercise patience.

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Posted Mon Feb 20, 2023 11:17 am

Wouldn't that be fantastic? Sadly there isn't. Classic99 for windows is pretty light so you could run it on a weaker machine.
Well there is this

… but I am reluctant to try this out as I have no idea about the requirements and no idea about the TI/99. so I’d have to invest a LOT of time which currently I am not willing to spare due to other projects.

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Posted Mon Feb 20, 2023 11:20 am

I might put it into the queue. RoA appears turn based so it might not be too bad. I'll try it out once I get my A1000 back up to speed. Still waiting on a 3d print to come in before I close her all up

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Posted Wed Feb 22, 2023 8:21 pm

Obstacles to running the game have mostly been overcome. After finally overcoming the cable fiasco and getting everything hooked up correctly i found a new hitch. The tipi requires a PI hooked up to act as the file manager. It's this or get a second disk drive and hack my disk drive controller. Anyway, I couldn't get my piero 2 hooked up. Only the Bluetooth seems to be behaving. My temporary solution was to use my pi 400 which looks ridiculous but works. I got the game loaded and watched the opening screen while appreciating the music. Gotta say it's technically impressive considering the computer's age. So far so good.

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