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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Fri Jun 09, 2023 7:14 pm

Dune II has a kind of interesting origin story. It was created at Westwood Studios in Las Vegas back in 1992 for DOS and was ported to Amiga in 1993.

In 1992, the company merged with Virgin Interactive Entertainment, which enabled Westwood Studios to become a software publisher in its own right and to enjoy Virgin's superior worldwide distribution network. It was also the year Westwood released The Legend of Kyrandia and Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty.
Thus, by the time Amigans started to marvel over this game the Virgin logo was being stamped on the box.

In any case I've been searching for the US -version of the release for years, which retained its original full title from the DOS original Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty. And, I finally found it and got it this week - interestingly from a seller located here in Seattle.
I love the old-school painting on the box cover. It gives me vibes of a Dune paperback book from the 80s.

I also really love the disks with stickers rather than just blue disks with white paint on them. This is actually what the DOS disks look like, too.

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Posted Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:43 am


Have these disks been ipf‘ed??

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Sat Jun 10, 2023 10:25 am

What does IPF stand for? If you mean imaged and uploaded somewhere I've no idea. I think everything I've found online before was the European release, Battle for Arrakis not Building of a Dynasty.

I haven't done a side-by-side comparison yet but I think the only difference is the EU release offered multiple languages. Whereas my new acquisition is English-only. I'd also be willing to bet the US version's NTSC graphics were reused pixel for pixel in the EU version, although possibly distorting character's heads, etc. as a result.

In any case next week I hope to install both and see if there's any real difference beyond language selections. I'm guessing there isn't but I look forward to finding out - at least during the intro screens.

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Posted Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:08 pm

Hi intric8,

sorry - my fault.

IPF is the floppy image from Kryoflux for preservation.


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Zippy Zapp

Posted Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:59 am

McTrinsic wrote:
Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:08 pm
Hi intric8,

sorry - my fault.

IPF is the floppy image from Kryoflux for preservation.
Does Kryoflux actually support IPF for creating the disk image and if so how do you actually create an IPF image from a disk? I have the Dune II disks in ADF and Kryofluxed but I believe it is RAW and has several files per disk because at the time I imaged my disks only the SPS could create the resulting IPF. SPS is a one way proposition. You send images to them but they are not available anywhere for the community.

Anyway, sorry for the Off-topic not-really-a-rant post. haha. It is great you have the complete copy with manual and all. That is something I know I had with my disks but cannot find it anywhere in my stuff.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:38 am

I've been away at my cabin ever since the Dune box arrived. But I'll be able to test the integrity of the disks this week upon my return. Looking forward to it!

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Posted Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:06 pm

Yes, it seems like I’ve been to busy with hardware. You can create dumps on your own which will then be ipf‘ed by the SPS.

Wasn’t there an Amiga version of the Kryoflux tools?

Edit: here, Kryoflux free for imaging.

Would be awesome if these could be added.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:33 pm

Because I have a bit of a case of OCD when it comes to my collection, I got a sparkly manual replacement. How, some might ask? I offered to buy just the manual from a guy on Ebay who was selling the US-DOS version of the game. He only had 4 disks and the manual, which looked brand new. And, he agreed to hang onto the disks if I only wanted to buy the manual (for a small percentage of what he had been asking for the set).

So, now my US-version of Dune II is complete. The manuals are 100% identical across DOS and Amiga.

:boing: <3
The manual that came with the European version repeated the graphic seen on that version's box and was not spiral bound. The contents inside, however, were identical.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:55 pm

OK boys I've done a careful side-by-side comparison of my US-version of DUNE II with the EU-version.

Other than the box cover, disk aesthetics and paper manual differences noted above, there are only a couple of extremely small differences that I can find. And, I think some of what I discovered should surprise no one.

The Analysis

99.9% of all of the code, graphics and sound that originated in the US in NTSC format were not changed - at all - for the EU release.

With two small exceptions: the most obvious being the title screen.

Since the US version is subtitled "Building a Dynasty" and the EU version is titled "Battle for Arrakis" you see that reflected in each version's intro.
US title screen, which is also what DOS users saw.

European title screen

Also, I noticed on Disk 1 (out of 5) that one English game file was ever so slightly different. I believe this is because I think it is possible the US version used North American English where the EU version probably used UK English. In other words, there might be a rare instance where they changed "color" to "colour" and so on.
Only 3 bytes difference! And you thought ugly Americans didn't care. ;)

The only other change I saw was between the two paper Amiga addendums to the manuals. These single sheets of paper were placed in each box to tell customers how to load and/or install the games.

The US version is completely lacking in how to install the game to hard drive except in the bizarre use case for A600 users with HDDs. The normal installation routine is not mentioned. But in the EU's sheet (written entirely in English) it does explain how to use the Install program on the disk from within the CLI. The US version also has this program (and it worked great) but why it was left off the paperwork is kind of a sad mistake.

Other than that, everything is 100% identical. To that point, the US version also provides the ability to install the game in French or German - just like the EU version! And, of course, all of the graphics are designed in NTSC resolution and look fantastic. I suppose most folks who played this game on Amigas in Europe saw slightly squashed heads and plants but probably didn't really think anything of it.

Before I made these comparisons I used a fantastic CLI program by David Dunklee to create ADFs of each of my disks. Then, I used the physical disks to install the game to my hard drive using the Install program.

Glad I did - because during this process I started to get a read/write error on Disk 1 - the only disk that appears to be unique! Snagged that ADF before any issues so we're free and clear. Phew!


I honestly wasn't sure how much I was expecting things to change across both versions. But I was surprised to find the US-version to be multi-language capable (which the EU disks state very clearly on the disks, and the US disks do not).

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