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Posted Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:40 am

I thought you might be interested... have a sneak peek!

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:59 am

Jim Drew (CMBStuff) has been working on this "Mechboard competitor" project for a while now. I put that in quotes because there is no competition since the Mechboard is officially a dead project, and Jim's keyboard is quite a bit different on a few fronts.

His backplate is plastic, not metal. But Jim's Blingboard really goes all-in on the LED lighting, which is how a ton of modern mechanical keyboards are made in 2024. In addition to an LED strip inside a case, adding individual lights to all 70 keys is ... WILD. I believe the idea here is the keyboard will be far more affordable than the Mechboard was, which should help these fly off the shelves.

Some super sexy photos on the Indiegogo email capture page.

Here's the campaigns main promo image © Jim Drew / CBMStuff to whet your appetite.

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Zippy Zapp

Posted Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:55 am

And already funded. I am looking forward to this one.

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