Over the past few months, the site has been inundated with spammer accounts and posts. They've grown incredibly insidious.
In many cases, in order to avoid detection they will create an account and then post something. The post on day 1 will look seemingly real and harmless. But then after a couple of days the spammers will return and edit their posts and insert invisible URLs. They do this purely to try and improve the Search rankings of their crappy websites or those of their clients.
It's ridiculous.
I've considered removing the Edit Post functionality after a certain timeframe. But for now - at least for the next 2 weeks during the holidays - I've decided to go with the "nuclear option" of removing site registrations entirely. I'll bring back the feature in a couple of weeks (most likely) and realize there are definitely still spammer accounts in the system that will come back and create more fake comments and insert more garbage.
But it's going to really stop the flow big time. And I for one look forward to not obsessing about it so much.
For the next two weeks our little community is locked down. We can all still login and do whatever we want to do. Just no newbies.