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Zippy Zapp

Posted Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:08 pm

Ok here is another one from the previous box I removed from storage. Menace by Psygnosis. A classic shoot em up. This is the NTSC version that I bought circa 1988/1989. This is another one where I don't know the working condition as I have not tried it in my Amiga yet. I played this for many hours way back when. I am glad I kept this in the box. The box for this game is very small compared to boxes at the time.

IIRC Menace was not the easiest game in the world but a lot of fun if you like shoot em ups.
Front of the Menace box

Back of the Menace box

Contents - Menace You can sort of tell the size of the box in comparison to the disk.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:42 pm

I've not played this one. Looks like an R-Type clone... except you are flying though realistic environments, not H.R. Geiger psychedelia. Oh - that really is a smaller than usual box!

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:49 pm

Looks like a Roger Dean cover, too.

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Zippy Zapp

Posted Fri Dec 29, 2017 8:37 am

intric8 wrote:I've not played this one. Looks like an R-Type clone... except you are flying though realistic environments, not H.R. Geiger psychedelia. Oh - that really is a smaller than usual box!
Exactly. R-Type is a favorite of mine, especially the arcade and SNES versions.
Looks like a Roger Dean cover, too.
Yep. Par for the course with Psygnosis. I think many of their games used him for the cover art. It definitely set them apart in the 80's and 90s. I think it ended with the Amiga titles and didn't carry over to PlayStation. Apparently they were bought by Sony Computer Entertainment in 1993. Even so they still released games for Sega and Nintendo in addition to Sony PS1. I find this interesting because there are at least a few games released after 1993 for Amiga.

Here is an interesting bit of trivia: The Psyclapse label actually came from a game of the same name for Commodore 64 that was never released. This was under the imagine brand. Only a few games were published under the Psyclapse label. I am not sure why. Budget games?

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Posted Thu Feb 22, 2018 11:33 am

What a fun memory that game is. A bit hard I thought back at the time, but wow did it push the Amiga hardware. If you're interested, there is a pretty interesting technical analysis of the game in Jimmy Maher's book about the Amiga "The Future Was Here".

Other cool trivia: Menace was programmed by the same crew that made Lemmings a few years later and then Grand Theft Auto a few years after that. Amazing one small studio could hit the jackpot multiple times.

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Toronto, Canada

Posted Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:47 pm

that's some beautiful box art <3

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Posted Fri Oct 13, 2023 11:35 pm

I'm sorry that I am still asking questions here. I would like to ask that there were two versions of Menace released in 1988, namely the blue floppy disk version and the white floppy disk version. Is the white floppy disk version the PAL version?
Pictures are on the website below:

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Sat Oct 14, 2023 8:52 am


This isn't a hard and fast rule, but it is true the majority of the time in my experience. If you have a blue disk with white paint (i.e. no sticker) that is usually a disk that was made in the UK or EU for those markets. If you have a disk - any color - with a color sticker, that very likely was made for the US market.

Again, this isn't 100%. I've seen some European companies create NTSC disks in the same white-paint-on-blue-disk fashion. But the tan disk in your photo, if I were looking at it out of context, I'd think was a disk made for the US market on first glance.

Wouldn't know until we loaded it up on hardware, though.

Put another way, I can't think of a single disk in my entire collection that was made in the US without a sticker.

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Posted Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:20 am

Got it, thanks for your reply! <3

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