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Posted Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:15 am

Hi guys, after a long long time of not using Amigas i just got an A500 up and running WB3.1 from a CF card, i just don't remember how to install Directory Opus, so if anyone can point me to a .lha and some basic guidelines on what to do ill appreciate it a lot!


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New Jersey, USA

Posted Fri Jul 13, 2018 5:29 am

Directory Opus 4 is available on Aminet for download; here's a link to grab DOpus 4.12.

There's a README included with installation instructions as well. It's just copying a few folders to appropriate targets.

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Posted Fri Jul 13, 2018 6:22 am

Hi thanks for the reply, tried that but says a 68020 is needed ... :(

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Fri Jul 13, 2018 9:54 am

Hey femuruy,

I responded to your welcome message before I saw this post.

If you are running WB 1.3, version DOpus 4 is definitely the way to go.

But it's a big time resource hog. If your A500 is stock, I personally wouldn't install it to launch when you boot up the machine. It'll steal a bunch of RAM and some CPU. I have an A2000 with an 030 and with plenty of RAM and it's perfectly fine.

But on my A1000's I only launch it when I need it. And in some cases I'll simply use DiskMaster. But DOpus does have more features I like to use so it just depends on the task at hand.

But if you do want to install it, you should see an Install Opus icon on your disk, and it's a pretty fantastic "wizard" where it will ask if you want to the Novice, Intermediate or Expert Install. Even if you pick Novice, it will try to modify your User Startup file. So, be aware of that.

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Posted Fri Jul 13, 2018 10:21 am

Hi! i tried the installer (i am using WB 3.1 not 1.3) but once installed i get an error that says i need a 68020 to run it ...

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New Jersey, USA

Posted Fri Jul 13, 2018 10:35 am

If Directory Opus won't install, then give DiskMaster a try.

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Posted Fri Jul 13, 2018 1:09 pm

OK, DM downloaded and transfered to my amiga, already decompressed it to ram: but now im stuck .... what's next? copied it to my tools partition but can't make it run? Please bear in mind that last time i touched an Amiga, Bill Clinton was probably touching his .... amiga ....

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Fri Jul 13, 2018 2:07 pm

For 3.1 I think you need DOpus 5 or higher. (I have it, and could make ADFs if they aren't freely available out there in the wild).

But yeah - DOpus is a total hog.

My original DiskMaster also would only run on 1.3 IIRC. I feel like I tried to install it at some stage on my 1200 and it wouldn't work. There was a DM 2 I think...?

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Posted Fri Jul 13, 2018 2:28 pm

Got the ADFs but no gotek nor FDD working here yet, the DM i am trying to install is v2.x but really i am totally lost on how to do it besides what i already did ... :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Edit: Got it working using this version

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Posted Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:12 pm

Just tought I'd chime in here as I've recently had the very same DOpus problem with my A2000. The version that is commonly linked as 4.12 is really 4.14 or 4.16 i think. Not sure, but 4.12 and 4.0 should definitely work on a 68000. I tried downloading the version on aminet and also the one on freedopus and a couple of other places and had no luck with any of them. The ones that didn't give the 020-message just crashed.

I finally dug out my original 4.0 disk and it worked perfectly, I also remembered that I had an old cover disk that came with 4.12 (I think). It also worked perfectly!

This is the cover disk:

I don't have much experience with DiskMaster but I absolutely LOVE DOpus! Installing is a breeze. Just copy all the files from the floppy into a folder on the HDD and assign that folder as DOPUS: in the startup-sequence. Note that the cover disk was compressed and needed to be uncompressed onto a floppy before you could install. Two issues later they had some config-files on their cover disk. I just found out and I'm excited to try them out. :)

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