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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:34 pm

Check it out, tlgrooms. The entire original manual. Freshly scanned. Someone on the FB Amiga Group scanned it and sent me a copy. It has been submitted to BBoH as well as Amiga.Resource.CX

But he was kind enough to shoot it to me now, so you wouldn't have to wait.

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Posted Thu May 03, 2018 11:41 am

Thank you sir, I sure appreciate your effort and interest.

Love all the cool stuff you share on your website here.

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Posted Tue Aug 14, 2018 8:55 pm

This kit has two sockets so you can install them on the 1000 motherboard in the empty spots, the existing boot roms have sockets already. This Kickstart 1.2 kit consists of FOUR EPROM chips to provide the 1.2 Kickstart ROM. The PAL chip it seems is also needed t be installed to get it to work as well as moving some jumpers. I actually own the 4 ROM chips but don't have the PAL chip. I want to see if I can get this working on one of my 1000's one day.

Check it out

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Posted Sat Mar 23, 2019 8:33 am

I'm new here today, and I'm hoping to revive this post. I just received my very first A1000 through an e-bay purchase and I'm still in the process of cleaning and restoring. This machine came with the same board in question here already installed, which is not labeled as the PAMC-1000 but rather as the AMPA10-R1 exactly as tlgrooms's pictures. I'm inclined to believe this is a different beast altogether not only because of the different part number and the 1989 date, but also since my machine had no mods made to it in any way; neither daughterboard nor motherboard. In addition, the CPU riser had pin 32 cut off. Once I restore the machine and do stock tests I will re-install the board and see, and will come back here.
Here's my card...

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Posted Tue Mar 26, 2019 7:57 pm

OK, if anyone is still interested, I've reconditioned the Amiga 1000 in which I found this expansion, put it back together as a stock unit and it worked like any other A1000 asking for a Kickstart disk. As I said, this Amiga has never been modded.
So I proceeded to reinstall the Creative Microsystems AMPA10-R1 (pictured in above posts), and just as I had suspected (and hoped) this time the computer came on with Kickstart 1.3 ready. In my previous post I also mentioned that the riser in my card had a missing pin 32 and that maybe it was intentionally cut. Well, after a careful inspection of this expansion board circuit it looks like the connection to position 32 on the Amiga motherboard CPU socket is needed so I repaired the pin (meaning all pins are needed) before reinstalling, and it worked that way.
I'd like to mention that, since this is an accelerator, expect the 68000 to get rather warm after a while. Being new to the A1000 I'm not sure how well the factory cooling system of this machine will suffice once the top shield is in place (which helps with circulation). I also discovered that the A1000 has the warmest Paula amongst all Amigas (unless it's this particular Paula model itself).
Conclusion, obviously by looking at the number on the edge of the board this is NOT a PA or PAMC-1000. Any previous statements in Amiga Hardware Database or Big Book of Amiga Hardware that a PAL chip installation and trace modifications the the A1000 motherboard/daughterboard are needed in order for the ROM on this card to work, are not applicable to this particular model. One of them also states that the onboard ROM will save you 256K, but I didn't notice this.
Later on I plan on testing with KS 2.04, although I'd like to stay on the conservative side since I only have is the 512K chip. If anyone can recommend some internal fast RAM expander (not at the CPU socket) I'd appreciate it.

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Posted Tue Mar 26, 2019 10:50 pm

That's a cool bit of hardware - I suggest you take some more pics and submit them to bboah and

I believe what you are saying about there being no mods done to your mainboard, but I don't understand how that can be. Very interesting.

Are you 100% sure none of the PALs on the daughterboard have been replaced? Maybe a really good desolder/resolder job?

EDIT: actually if you read the English manual for what is probably the the older version of the card: the page 03 gif showing the installation of the card makes no mention of any modifications being needed.

So probably bboah is wrong in terms of there needing to be a PAL replacement - maybe that was true for an older version. In any case without modification I can't see how you would get the 256kb WCS ram back.

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Posted Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:19 pm

I could only add a picture of the foil side of the board, or maybe larger, better quality pictures, next time I disassemble the machine.

My A1000 has never been tinkered with. I've been soldering and looking at PC pads since the late sixties, and can tell you a solder bath junction from a hot air junction from a manually soldered junction. I've also compared part numbers and they are original.

I had glanced at the BBOAH manual on the PAMC1000 briefly and indeed made no mention of hardware modifications. That just adds to the general confusion regarding what appears to be three different models (at least) of this product. BBOAH shows two photos, and a drawing depicting jumper positions, but the drawing isn't about the board on the photos, and the photos don't show jumpers and a KS socket so they couldn't be about the PA-1000 that they say has a socket. A posting above (by mattsoft) specifies that the PA-1000 is different than the AMPA10-R1 that I and tlgrooms have, so we also need pictures of the PA-1000 and PAMC-1000. It's a mess.

If I speculate, I would say the PA-1000 required hardware modifications in order for the socket to function, and that Creative Microsystems later found a workaround for that, but not for the 256K of space to be recovered. That would be a reasonable assumption based on the fact that the easiest a hardware expansion is to install the better it will sell. So, if that BBOAH PAMC manual makes no mention of modifications maybe the PAMC-1000 is very much my AMPA10-R1 except for the BBClock. (Another speculation). And yet another, Kickstart Eliminator is the predecessor to all this, and is still being confused with the newer boards that are also accelerators. What is true is that my card works just as described in my second post.

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Posted Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:46 pm

TjLaZer wrote:This kit has two sockets so you can install them on the 1000 motherboard in the empty spots, the existing boot roms have sockets already. This Kickstart 1.2 kit consists of FOUR EPROM chips to provide the 1.2 Kickstart ROM. The PAL chip it seems is also needed t be installed to get it to work as well as moving some jumpers. I actually own the 4 ROM chips but don't have the PAL chip. I want to see if I can get this working on one of my 1000's one day.

Check it out

I'm new to the Amiga world. I bought my first A1000 and just took it apart and found some odd and amazing stuff. From the pictures below you can see that the destructive mods have already been done by repaired back to stock. I have the the PAL chip from the creative microsystems Kickstart elimination kit but missing the 4 Odd and Even chips that accompany them.

TjLaZer- Maybe I can test you chips in my board and see if this is the actual pal chip needed. Is there a way to read your chips with a EPROM reader.

Here are the all the pictures I took:

These pictures are of the the PAL chip.
IMG_8048 (2).JPG
Pal ->Gal chip

IMG_8047 (2).JPG
Pal -> Gal 2

These pictures are of motherboard modifications.
IMG_8038 (4).JPG
Trace repair

Last edited by Dr.Drone on Sun Sep 01, 2019 4:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Posted Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:26 pm

The pics don’t show on my phone.

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Posted Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:00 am

How would the Kickstart ROM be split, and has the PAL (would have to be translated into GAL) replacement turned up yet?

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