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Posted Fri Apr 12, 2019 2:04 pm

Afaik you get an image back from them if you send the raw file. There is an Amiga application that does it without a kryofloux. I have a kryoflux but there should be others in this forum as well I would assume.

Zippy Zapp wrote:That's good news!

I have been looking like mad for my backup copy that I made of a friends years ago but so far haven't found it. It is probably on an unlabeled disk some place.
McTrinsic wrote:Really, please consider helping the CAPS project, see

While I do appreciate the efforts of the SPA, you would need a flux imager, KryoFlux or SuperCard Pro to provide an image to them. Also, unlike, they do not share the images or preservation with anyone which makes it kind of pointless, IMHO. What happens if their building burns down and the preserved images go up in smoke? Of course, I realize they probably have off site backups, the whole point of preserving something like software is so future generations can enjoy it and experience history. With all can enjoy the archived software and so far most companies have been supportive or at the very least tolerant of the archive. Sorry I realize that was a bit OT.

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Zippy Zapp

Posted Fri Apr 12, 2019 6:09 pm

McTrinsic wrote:Afaik you get an image back from them if you send the raw file. There is an Amiga application that does it without a kryofloux. I have a kryoflux but there should be others in this forum as well I would assume.
You are correct, you do get an image back. But only of the one you provided. No one else can get any of the images that they have preserved. So what happens when they stop doing this or the person(s) holding the images croaks or whatever? Do you see my point? It is for this reason that I am glad that exists so that people can actually use these relics from the past and they can be enjoyed for generations not sitting in a vault or datacenter some place not being able to be used.

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Posted Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:26 am

Fully understood.
At the same time, however, I think you can find quite a number of caps-imagesets in various places.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:50 am

I have added the original PAL ADFs (ripped from my own personal original copy - no cracks, etc.) as well as the 5 NTSC files necessary to run on NTSC machines at the end of the original post.

Until an undamaged NTSC Install Floppy can be properly converted to ADF, this is going to be the best way for folks to play the game on NTSC machines. Cheers

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Posted Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:53 am

Hi there, first time poster here.

What seems to be the problem with the adfs Oggie made and upped to ?

I've successfully installed the game to four floppy disks (adfs) as well as HDF from his dumps and it seems to run fine using an A500 KS1.3 Workbench 1.3 setup.

It's true WHDLoad quits with an "unsupported or damaged files" message, but that's not unusual if the slave only supports the PAL version.
I'll pass the NTSC adfs along to Psygore and see what he has to say about it. :)

Anyway, try this in WinUAE.
Use A500 quickstart, boot from a Workbench 1.3 disk in DF0 and add this HDF as DH0.
Start the game from ULTIMA6 icon.

Thanks for sharing the game.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Sat Apr 13, 2019 12:08 pm

Hi Retroplay! Thanks so much for letting us know the ADFs Ogg1e made are OK. I've yet to move them to floppies myself. I really appreciate your input.

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Zippy Zapp

Posted Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:07 pm

McTrinsic wrote:Fully understood.
At the same time, however, I think you can find quite a number of caps-imagesets in various places.
Oh, well that would be good. I'll hunt for some of those. :mrgreen:
intric8 wrote:Hi Retroplay! Thanks so much for letting us know the ADFs Ogg1e made are OK. I've yet to move them to floppies myself. I really appreciate your input.
+1 that is great news. I haven't tried anything yet but this is on my list.

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Posted Wed Feb 26, 2020 3:11 pm

Warning, the proposed PAL version contains the BGS9 virus!
I made ADFs based on the IPF files :

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Toronto, Canada

Posted Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:38 pm

intric8 wrote:
Wed Apr 10, 2019 6:29 pm
After my original post I was contacted by (now member) Ogg1e on Reddit. He, too, had an original boxed NTSC version of Ultima VI!

After we shared several messages back and forth, he figured out how to create ADFs using Transdisk to his Compact Flash card, and then loaded the CF in WINUAE to pull the ADFs off to his modern hardware.

He then uploaded the ADFs to for all the world to go get! (I'll be hosting them as well, as I'm sure others will, too.)


Ogg1e, if you're reading this, you are my hero, brother.
damn this is so sweeeeet ! I only could find the C64 version back in the day which i found out many years later was very hard to find....never got around to playing VI on my Amiga but now I can and will thanks to this thread & Ogg1e :boing: <3

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Dallas, TX

Posted Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:48 am

If you're wanting the original box set, I just found this on fleaBay (but, no disks):

Appears that there are other offerings available, for various versions (I had no idea there were so many versions of the game). But, they're pricey...

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