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Posted Mon Dec 23, 2019 9:18 am

Intric... Trying to get zip 100 going on A500 with A590 side car. I'd like to just use as another drive. Backup my main hard drive to it (they are both 100mb ha!). No need to boot from it. I tried making a mountlist. When formating I only see a590 drive light up and not zip so I panic and reset the machine. No icon on desktop. Im using ROM and wB 1.3.. Any suggestion what I am doing wrong?

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Mon Dec 23, 2019 10:02 am

Have you terminated the Zip Drive? There is a switch on the back that needs to be be set to Termination: ON. Also, the Drive ID is important. I put mine on 6 iirc. You can't have an ID conflict there, either.

Are you using HDInstTools on floppy to try and setup the Zip?

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Posted Tue Dec 24, 2019 10:35 am

Thanks for reply Eric.. I do have Zip set on termination but I DO have a 100mb hard drive in the A590. I was thinking maybe termination should be off but right now its on.

My ID i set to 5.. Can change to 6 if you think that help.

As a note, it seems I can mount the drive but no format. For curiosity I started up Amiga Explorer after I mounted the drive. You can see "ZIP0???" under Amiga Explorer after mounting.

I'm not using your Drive Parameters but maybe I should try that.. Using others I found on Aminet etc. Using scsi.device.

I gotta be close.. Little uneasy Im gonna mess up my main drive. Could be coincidence but I got an error "Execute: Cant open work file T:Command-00-T01 failed return code 20".. Had to boot from floppy.. Did some directory search in shell for the file and for whatever reason that fixed it.

This morning got a GURU just sitting their idle... Again could be unrelated on drive tired from 2 days messing with this..

I get OCD on this stuff when I start... Thanks for guidance..

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Posted Tue Dec 24, 2019 10:40 am

I forgot to mention..

1. Tried HDInstall tools and HDToolbox.. They see the drive but "unsupported". Using those programs from hard drive
2. Sysinfo sees the drive also when I hit the "SCSI" button. Shows main drive and zip drive below with ? under size etc.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Tue Dec 24, 2019 10:43 am

So since HDInstTools says Unsupported, I assume it doesn't let you format it.

I'd try GVP Faaaast Prep, if you have that. If not, I can make an ADF of it for you.

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Posted Tue Dec 24, 2019 12:16 pm

Thanks Eric.. Ill try that.. could you throw me an adf?

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Posted Tue Dec 24, 2019 9:18 pm

Found a copy of FaastPrep on a GVP disk I had.. No luck.. dont know what I cant format. Can Mount and see drive in Amiga Explorer. Also see in the GVP tools on the disk but will not let me format as I am not using "GVPscsi.device. I am using scsi.device same as A590.. uhhh so close but so far away..

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Posted Wed Dec 25, 2019 2:00 am

Some basic things to consider.

What ID are host adapter, HDDrive and ZipDrive?

Which of the three above are terminated or have termination activated?

What is the physical sequence of the units on the SCSI cable?

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Posted Wed Dec 25, 2019 6:53 pm

McTrinsic wrote:
Wed Dec 25, 2019 2:00 am
Some basic things to consider.

What ID are host adapter, HDDrive and ZipDrive?

Which of the three above are terminated or have termination activated?

What is the physical sequence of the units on the SCSI cable?
Thanks for jumping in McTrinsic.. Not sure Ill answer correct but here goes.
1. Used tool called SCSIDevs in the shell. It says.
ID Device REM Vendor Product-String REV
0 Disk N Quantum LP105S 910109405 301
5 Disk Y IOMEGA ZIP 100 D.09

0 DH0 100M FFS Boot 1 200


2. SysInfo gives various information.. Under drives if you select DH0: then SCSI it shows both ID 0 and ID 5 for the ZIP drive but has ? Under the Size as it doesnt seem to know. ALSO however you can select drive ZIP0: as an option and it gives various drive information but has message saying "Disk not Validated". I am using scsi.device in my mount list

3. So I assume DH0: the drive in my A590 (Internal 100M Drive) is unit 0. The ZIP I have ID 5 selected on the back switch and the tools above seem to verify that (I think but not sure).

4. I have termination set to on on the back of the ZIP. I have again an internal SCSI hard drive in the A590 that boots to WB1.3 and ZIP drive plugged into back of A590. I am on KS1.3 and WB1.3. I have ROMs 7.0 I believe in the A590. I realize part of the trouble may be I am not on KS ROM 2.0 but I am still think I should get this to work. Im on REV 5A MB and I dont think I can easily upgrade ROMS. I kinda like my 1.3 all around setup. :)

Did I answer questions? Thanks again for assistance..


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Posted Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:26 pm

walldog wrote:
Wed Dec 25, 2019 6:53 pm
McTrinsic wrote:
Wed Dec 25, 2019 2:00 am
Some basic things to consider.

What ID are host adapter, HDDrive and ZipDrive?

Which of the three above are terminated or have termination activated?

What is the physical sequence of the units on the SCSI cable?
Thanks for jumping in McTrinsic.. Not sure Ill answer correct but here goes.
1. Used tool called SCSIDevs in the shell. It says.
ID Device REM Vendor Product-String REV
0 Disk N Quantum LP105S 910109405 301
5 Disk Y IOMEGA ZIP 100 D.09

0 DH0 100M FFS Boot 1 200


2. SysInfo gives various information.. Under drives if you select DH0: then SCSI it shows both ID 0 and ID 5 for the ZIP drive but has ? Under the Size as it doesnt seem to know. ALSO however you can select drive ZIP0: as an option and it gives various drive information but has message saying "Disk not Validated". I am using scsi.device in my mount list

3. So I assume DH0: the drive in my A590 (Internal 100M Drive) is unit 0. The ZIP I have ID 5 selected on the back switch and the tools above seem to verify that (I think but not sure).

4. I have termination set to on on the back of the ZIP. I have again an internal SCSI hard drive in the A590 that boots to WB1.3 and ZIP drive plugged into back of A590. I am on KS1.3 and WB1.3. I have ROMs 7.0 I believe in the A590. I realize part of the trouble may be I am not on KS ROM 2.0 but I am still think I should get this to work. Im on REV 5A MB and I dont think I can easily upgrade ROMS. I kinda like my 1.3 all around setup. :)

Did I answer questions? Thanks again for assistance..

On more thing to add.. When I go to HDInstTools it shows the Quantum and IOMEGA Drive but says the IOMEGA unsupported. Gives no options. But first 3 columns read

0 0 0
0 5 0

The lower being the IOMEGA ZIP...

Perhaps there is a conflict of some sort how I have set.. Don't know

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