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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:57 pm

Jeremy Reimer's long-running 'History of the Amiga' series on Arstecnica UK is back to tackle the killer app from Newtek. As usual it is a very well written and researched piece that does the legendary software justice.
The Amiga, however, was originally designed as a game console, and so it was compatible with standard television frequencies. Where the Amiga designers showed insight and forethought, however, was in creating a bridge between analog and digital. The very first Amiga contained a genlock, which matched video timings with an NTSC or PAL signal and allowed the user to overlay this signal with the Amiga’s internally generated graphics. The first person to realize the potential of this was an engineer living in Topeka, Kansas. His name was Tim Jenison.
Check it out.

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