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Posted Sat Jul 09, 2022 7:48 pm

Any chance of sharing your actual brush files, Intric8?

I considered using DPaint myself but then I saw you are basically using the same programs I will be using. :)

Incidentally, I am sold on AmiDock now. I first set out to try "wbdock" but quickly realized it only uses the program's icons. This will naturally result in the dock changing its shape to fit taller icons. I prefer the compact consistency of brushes.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Sat Jul 09, 2022 11:25 pm

I would be honored to share them with others that'll use them.

Do you know which ones you want? I can move things over and package what I've made.

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Posted Sun Jul 10, 2022 7:11 am

intric8 wrote:
Sat Jul 09, 2022 11:25 pm
I would be honored to share them with others that'll use them.

Do you know which ones you want? I can move things over and package what I've made.
I will make is easy-- how about all of them?? :D You might have others that I could use. I imagine the files are small enough to cram in one archive.

I know I will have a couple that I will have to create on my own still. I do not know many DiskMaster users. ;) JrComm is still my go-to terminal for Workbench 1.3.


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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:20 pm

Alrighty boys, I think I have them all captured here. I'll put them in a better place later, but for now here's what I've collected. (If I've forgotten any, let me know and I'll hunt them down.)

I'm only including ones I've custom made for myself. All of the others you can find within the AmiDock package.

And - just to be clear - these are all non-interlace and designed for OS 1.3.

The icons include:

  • 64Door (My go-to PETSCII compliant terminal)
  • ADF (Which I use for the brilliant ADF Mimic)
  • AdSpeed (In case I want to switch speeds, but mine is defaulted to 14Mhz. Clicking the button drops it to 7Mhz.)
  • AExplorer (For preparing the Serial port to transfer files the old school way.)
  • Deluxe Paint 3 (I think the default was DP4, and I "downgraded" it.)
  • Hippo (I think my hippo head came out fairly well considering the size constraints)
  • Telephone (For a more generic terminal program... )
  • WShell (a rebound I made from the original shell AmiDock icon)

I think that's all I've made up to this point.

See the attached Zip. They are all brush files, which is how it works.
(13.65 KiB)

You gotta send me or post a pic of any icons you ultimately decide to use! I'd love to see your setup. :boing: <3

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:32 pm


I realize now I missed the Calendar icon I made. But, you probably won't want/need that one anyway.

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Posted Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:11 pm

Awesome! Thanks, Eric!

I'm gonna put in some time this weekend. Photos pending. :)

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Posted Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:38 pm

Thx Eric ! Love them ! <3

Here, I made some new "icons" for AmiDock too.
And I found a way to have 2 Amidock launched : one for softwares and a second one for games (JST or HD install). I'll share them with you this week-end, if I can seat in front of my A1000 :lol:

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Posted Sun Aug 14, 2022 1:49 pm

I found some time so I made a Lha archive of my personal (or modified) brushes for AmiDock !

I'm particulary proud of Hippo, Dune and F/A18 ;)

You can take a look at the grab made with Grabbit or the photo shooted with my phone (for having SimGen and the background visible)

Same as Eric, if you use them, take a photo ! ;)

(my pictures aren't display... maybe a problem with my non https server... So I only give you links for now. Uploaded on AmigaLove ! So, it should work now ^^)
Last edited by BatteMan on Sun Aug 14, 2022 2:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Posted Sun Aug 14, 2022 1:55 pm

Nice! The link seems to be broken though.

What do you use for your title bar chip, fast and time display?

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