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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Fri Feb 10, 2017 3:32 pm

Oh, and AT commands work exactly like they should. That being said, your phone number aliases are fine, too. I'll probably utilize the phone book later on and eliminate the need to use the dial window altogether later.

Good times! <3

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Detroit, MI, USA

Posted Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:16 am


There! You people happy now?! God damn that was a pain in my ass! :P Was cool to finally get on Centronian there. How does it look compared to the 64?

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Victoria, BC

Posted Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:53 am

Shot97 wrote:How does it look compared to the 64?
Nice work!! I verified your account already Shot97, (I'm the sysop) so you can post in the subs and see all sections of the BBS etc. The screen shots above look close to how it looks on a C64, but some of the characters and colours are off. Those art screens look off because you are in lower case mode. If you can switch your term to upper case mode then they will look MUCH nicer! No random letters etc, only the proper shapes. I can force that to happen automatically.... I'll try and do that this weekend. Anyway, welcome aboard!

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Detroit, MI, USA

Posted Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:40 am

Cool! I'm pretty much just feeling my way through all this stuff, which is why it's such a pain! My issues with the C64 terminal emulators on the Amiga seem to have been from my default setups of TCPSer. Getting the most out of the A-Talk III and the ANSI boards, as well as keeping the terminals and other Workbench utilities that need the serial port happy with each other was my problem. The C64 emulators are not happy with everything else. They need their own special batch file for TCPSer; putting it on the hard drive seems out of the question because I'm not going down to 9600 baud just for the C64 terminal when everything else runs at 19200. Which means booting from floppy. Plus I couldn't input anything into the terminals at first. Why? Because TCPSer needs to be running at the right settings first! Then I can type in the AT commands! It's all very much a pain for someone who was not doing this stuff back in the day. But hopefully I can figure out how to make things looks better, and now I'm more confident, so I can try some more 64 terminal emulators to see if they might be better.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:42 am

Dude, Shot, that's so awesome! I've been sick so I've not been at normal speed. So cool to see the progress you've made.

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Zippy Zapp

Posted Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:49 pm

Nice Work!
Shot97 wrote:It's all very much a pain for someone who was not doing this stuff back in the day. But hopefully I can figure out how to make things looks better, and now I'm more confident, so I can try some more 64 terminal emulators to see if they might be better.
Heh, that's ok, that is what it is supposed to be like. I was cruising the local BBS's in 1983 on my C64 at 300 baud. It was so slow but back then you really didn't think about it as that was what it was. Half the fun was trying to figure it all out. So if it seems like a pain, then you are probably doing something right! haha

In the Amiga days we had faster speed by then 1200 to 2400 then I eventually bought a 14400 modem, which I still have with the Amiga.

ANSI, PETSCII and all the terminal settings + transfer protocols, like XModem, Ymodem, Zmodem ahh fun stuff figuring it all out especially since there was usually no cheat sheets or dummy guides on how and when to use all the different features. Plus there were so many choices for term software that it made it even more fun downloading a new terminal and figuring it out.

Good Stuff!

This is why I am hoping Jim Drew releases his WiModem sooner rather then later as it will make this stuff a little bit easier. No TCPSer or NULL modem cables.

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Posted Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:47 pm

Could the same be done using a Plipbox, loading a TCP/IP stack (such as Roadshow), then using TCPSer and a terminal to connect to a BBS?

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Detroit, MI, USA

Posted Mon Nov 19, 2018 3:16 pm

I believe so. If I recall, the guides I had seen prior to making mine often went down that route, but it was something that was only useful for Workbench 2.0 and above. There's no TCP/IP stack that will run under kickstart 1.3 or below, as far as I'm aware. You might have to mess with settings on the terminal you're using to best interact with the TCP/IP stack.

That's all quite a lot of junk running just to get on the BBS' though. If you're also wanting to browse the World Wide Web, which is why I imagine you're asking the question, then I guess getting it all to work in a single configuration is your goal. And yes, I'm fairly sure that setup would work on kickstart 2.0 and above machines, though I can't currently offer any insights into getting that setup to work. I'm almost positive there are guides out there showing off that setup, though, of course getting them to explore the BBS' on that setup, not sure I've ever seen them dive into that. For most people it seems to be about the "oh look! Isn't this cool?! I'm on google with an Amiga!"

I've recently setup my WB 1.3 500 to use a software kickstart switcher, which boots perfectly into 2.0, 3.1, heck, even 1.4 and 1.2, with practcily no down side. It partitiions a section of my A501 RAM expansion as the kickstart, remapping everything to that. So while using kickstart 2.0, my normally 8mb A501 registers as 7.5 mb, because that half meg is using kickstart 2.0, or whatever I choose. At the moment it's only really useful with 2.0, because I also have Workbench 2.04 on my DH1: partition, which I can tell it to boot to when starting up the 2.0 ROM.

Anyway; There could very well be a future project where I go down the TCP/IP stacks in an attempt to browse the World Wide Web on my 500, and if I figure that process out, I will be sure to also show off the BBS', because that's the true fun of getting your Amiga online, if you ask me.

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Detroit, MI, USA

Posted Mon Nov 19, 2018 3:28 pm

Particles is looking rather nice using ColorTerm in 40 column mode, by the way. I was trying to get on the new Centronian board, but it keeps saying "no carrier" to me. Busy or down? Not sure.


Only thing about ColorTerm are that the colors are not quite right. See where it says "online games" in the menu? The letter can't be seen. I mean I can make it out just barely on my monitor, but it didn't show up at all in the picture. What color is that supposed to be on a real 64? My CRT, as far as I know, is fine, no issues with colors for any Amiga programs. I've seen 64Door on the Amiga, much closer to the 64's palette. - But I'm 95% sure that program will never work using my TCPSer setup, unfortunately. Great and talented retro Amiga programmers; fix that program, would ya?!

ColorTerm actually is nicer than 64Door in terms of features, though. Uploading/downloading, etc. It does not multitask, but neither does 64Door. I still prefer Particles in ANSI using A-Talk III, but here's hoping the new Centronian actually works with ColorTerm, because that board individually stopped working with some update it had done. Come on ColorTerm and whatever BBS software Centronian is using!

User avatar
Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:10 pm

@Shot are you using his updated address? Alterus' changed the domain name. If you're using an older one from your address book, maybe that's why it's failing.

Code: Select all
I just tried to hit it just now and it popped right up.

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