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Posted Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:17 pm

Sorry to bring the back up again, but I'm still banging my head against that Path issue with AmiDock on WB1.3. I raised it in another thread I think. I'd like to make sure I'm not totally loosing my mind.

Attached screenshot shows AmiDock Item for Shell and 2 shell windows. Shell 1. on the left is launched from the Workbench window. Shell 2. is launched from AmiDoc. Path is not correct in Shell 2., it's not reading the system path settings.

Doesn't matter where or when I launch AmiDock (i.e. startup-sequence, from Shell 1.), same thing happens.
I would really <3 to have a shell icon in the dock, but if it doesn't have my paths setup it's useless for getting any done.

Could one of you fine people see if the Path in your Workbench Shell or WShell2 (it doesn't matter which I launch) is the same as mine ?

Looking forward to some enlightenment.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Mon Jul 26, 2021 9:49 pm

I mis-understood what you were searching for in your original post.

I just re-read your post above.
it's not reading the system path settings.
When I type 'path' in my WShell, it spits out the same thing your Shell 2 shows, which is C (which is indeed weird, but to be honest I've never used the 'path' command).

Have you looked in the WShell manual to see if the config can reveal what you want it to show? That manual is deep.

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Posted Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:33 am

Thanks Eric, at least I know it's not just me, which is a relief and something to work off of. The same thing happens regardless of WShell2, Workbench Shell, CLI, they all launch with a default path rather than the system path as set during startup-sequence. So I'm working off the assumption that it's something related to AmiDock rather than say Shell or WShell2.

I'll keep digging. A possible work around might be to have a From argument setup to point to a startup config for the shell which force sets the paths. But I'd like to understand what's going on first before settling for that.

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Posted Wed Jul 28, 2021 11:43 am

Update, I couldn't really figure out what's up with AmiDock. I think it's related to how it's launching programs but I'm not 100% sure. Which means without access to the code there's not really anything I can do.

As a test, I tried Thomas Rapp's WBDock v1.10 and it doesn't have the same issue at all. So I think I'm going to use that for now. I quite like it actually. It's got a very CDE vibe and I have a soft spot for CDE.

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Posted Wed Dec 22, 2021 7:44 pm


I haven't read all reply yet however i stumbled over this (while looking for SimGen i used it since... since?)

nice job!

MyMenus i even use since a long time (stuff i used already on my real A500, A2000 latter has become a victim to time while the A500 is still operating, would be it rests together with my A4000 in a box)

What i like to post here is another neat enhancement for OS1.3 some might know it "wIconify", wIconify is hard to describe it squeezes the workbench screen in a window and opens a custom screen (manager as well) as the name suggests the purpose is to iconify processes, windows and screens. Whatfor? Productivity, you receive a clean workbench and can drop any program or folder on the screen(s) you can tell that a given program should open on a given screen (almost like the pubscreen features from on OS 2.0), you can even iconify the workbench itself even if that has little sense, theoretically you can open any program on a custom screen and iconify it (there is a danger within most processes don't like this but for a shell it's fine, i.e you could iconify DPaint or a game which uses a wb clone screen like SimCity on it's own screen whateverfor but keep in mind that it can trash a process). wIconify uses own icon templates for to specify process types, i.e. the shell, a text reader, an editor or by default any process this is i have to say very time consuming since you have to edit the icons plane by plane in c format but you have utilities that will help you creating them. A process receives the preset icon for this process when iconified (little use but i made a nice one for the wb and of course for some process types like, CLI, reader, editor - for the use you assign program names to the icon templates, you have to wIconify isn't intelligent but you are - aren't you?). I have to admit that wIconify needs a long long time to be installed and setup (see this as a sort of game, it's fun doing so and you will be pretty proud of the results, i.e. my own "hacked" icons) it isn't for the intermediate user it's meant for advanced users and programmers - people who have several programs open to edit code, gfx and/or sound (and or and even all together). Of course one can forgo all the icon stuff and use a single template for all processes the name of the process will tell you what it is.
The "Workbench" icon isn't my creation i found it on a fish disk (if i remember that right) but all the rest are my creations and equal in size no matter what program (na ja, fast alle) which results in a neat looking WB instead of this thouhouwabohou of different sized and different looking icons also the size consistent icons fit well to wIconify.

I hope you don't mind if i post a screenshot or two.
The latter shows MyMenu and picks a preset for SimGen (selects from a theme a random pic or loops the content) i use it for a lot of things - except to run games :) but well...

If you look close you see that the three processes differ for the icons used on the screen, left is a CLI with the cursor positioned top-left, midst is a text editor and right is a simple output shell like "RAW", latter is my default icon for processes i didn't listed, any if you like though). The idea is that if you work on a project can close (iconify) and open the programs you need for your job and this frees a lot of space on the wb additionally you can open screens and drop either any process on it and even iconify them on this screen.
Like i said you can open and manage screens which is a rare feature for OS 1.3 the screens can have depth up to 5 bitplanes! (32 colors, unfortunately proggies like SimGen or WBPic only work with a depth of 2 bitplanes, that what i was looking for real a program with which i can backdrop an 8 or 16 color image)

I guess this is a very nice addition to 1.3 and it doesn't only looks good it also makes sense (if you work with the amiga).
You might have noticed the altered fonts for the title bar and the icons, you will find these proggies and i guess as well wIconify on a fish disk - most probably i got it from there.
wIconify not only drops icons for processes on the screen you can also tell if they should be floating or have a fixed position and you can forbid or allow multiselection (of course only for the virtual icons).

wIconify isn't meant to be run on a disk operated A500 it would need to much space on floppies and disk swapping would never stop... it's an A2000 productivity enhancement.

let's see if i find the softs on aminet...


If you are really interested (who so ever) in my icons and like to spare the work (or otherwise if you like the look of 'em) leave a PM.

SetFont for the shell (alt. OneFont)
Unfortunately you will need a second proggie to change the font for the Icon name which is "chfont" (i'm not sure for the use of OneFont, i haven't tried this yet but by reading of the description it should do the job alone).
chfont for the WB font, seems not to be on aminet but i'm pretty sure it's from a fish disk (not all programs are archived as it looks).
OhKeh OneFont tells by it's name to use one by using SetFont and chfont you could have two different but i see no reason for this, the font i used and which is really good looking on a hi-res interlaced screen is "WB7" i'm so used to it that i get nausea if i see the old topaz font (one could guess it must be the OS font).

I don't like to pester you furthermore and will leave...
...until next time.

Mostly (and this since end of the last century) i run the miggy only emulated the machines still lurk around (two of 'em) but i really see not much sense in using them, perhaps i will see first i need a new flat. The A500 would be OK to play a game but my A4000 has a broken CD-ROM drive - however what do i like most of the amiga?

The games i played in my youth and for this an emulator like UAE suits well and unlike for my Intellivision which is very specific for the controllers the joysticks and the handling of the amiga doesn't differ much to a doze.
Personally i prefer the emulation over the hardware, i play better and faster virtual.

Imagine! In the very beginning if i liked to hack a game or it's resources i had a shitty editor with which you edited directly on the media if something went wrong, usually if you forgot to calculate the checksum and wrote the data the whole disk was broken after editing - today i run the game virtual and can use whatever of cool tools to hack my game and most of all NO DANGER AT ALL.

Well you are right "why don't start a own thread - Gernots Themed Amiga" i have so many little things gathered over the decades useful and less useful.

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Posted Wed Dec 22, 2021 8:59 pm

AmiDock problems,

OK i don't know it (yet) but what i can see on your screenshot is that shell2 acts like it wouldn't have read the shell-startup file, it leaks of the typical prompt and looks almost like if you run the bare CLI. That it doesn't defaults to SYS: i guess is pretty much rooted in AmiDock and also that it forgoes the shell-startup (or whatever script WShell uses - if).

I don't like to sound stupid but you tried to fill in as arguments FROM s:shell-startup (or s:shell-startup alone as arg)?
Further i don't use WShell, neither AShell i use conman which does pretty much the same as without that i need a different command as newshell or newcli whatever program opens a CLI it will be handled by conman.

Let's download it and i will see if i can squeeze this little misbehave.

Dunno ;)

I dl'd AmiDock and what shall i say?

I can't reproduce it using the standard newshell command, except for the leaking output of path but i assume that's WShell specific. However if i open a shell it resides in SYS:



Add to shell-startup (or the equivalent script for WShell) CD SYS:
issue solved.

If i remove my (for whatever reason placed there) cd sys: from the shell-startup newshell opens in C:
I must have added it for a similar reason, once long ago.

I hope this will help you.
If that still doesn't works try to specify as argument "FROM s:shell-startup" (without quotation of course).

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Zippy Zapp

Posted Wed Dec 22, 2021 9:59 pm

The "Workbench" icon isn't my creation i found it on a fish disk (if i remember that right)
How funny, since I have been imaging my disks for the past several months (more on that in a future post) and I came across a 1.3 Workbench disk that I customized for a friend by including a commands directory with essential tools and tweaks to the colors, icons, programs, shell stuff, etc. I used that very icon as the disk icon. I wish I remember where I "borrowed" it from but it could have been a fish disk, I just don't remember as it was 30+ years ago. I am glad the disk still works though as I have been using it for testing an A500 that I repaired and rebuilt.

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Posted Thu Dec 23, 2021 5:54 am

Further on...
AmiDock looks and feels OS 2.x it runs fine in 1.3 but it isn't a typical 1.3 application, something intermediate from start of the '90s. It's a nice addition but in my case i don't have much use for it, i like the good old pull down menus and i can already run a shell from several locations in principles the icon that was once the idea...
to have a graphical user interface and run a program from a nice pic.
Personally i never used such runbars (or how they are ever named) it's yet another thing that lurks around on your screen and the effect is vice-versa to something like wIconify which makes room on the screen (in fact allows you to run any application on a own screen to make room on the WB and if that is just a calculator you need from time to time) instead to plaster it with things you can run otherwise already in three different ways.

Just to say that i won't keep it, i have no use for it.

What i found interesting that you run DOpus in 1.3, i never tried so but used it under 3.1, this awakes my interest since DirWork acts sometimes crazy in 1.3 (it simply crashes the machine while moving data on a real amiga this would be more as just shit emulated it is not such a problem). Looks that i'm still looking for a typical 1.3 filemanager, what you might have noticed is "Utilimaster" but it's a little clumsy like most of them, on a real A500 it would be quite handy since it doesn't overwrites any data which has the same or a newer date but it's stupid that you have always to swap between input side and output side also checking the date (and probably the version) for every file makes copying very lame but therefore safe. Let's say i never thought of DOPus because it's neither 1.3 in it's appearance how good and useful it ever is, apart from crashing sometimes i neither like DirWork to well in 1.3 but at least i can give it a 1.3 look. Also under 3.1 i used DirWork more often (here it runs safe) as DOpus since it is easier to configure and suits well for the main task to manage files, unpack and visit - more buttons on the screen doesn't make a better program even if DOpus is really good.
A filemanager doesn't have to look good it has to be fast and resource keeping which DOpus isn't it was already much slower on my A4000 as something light like DirWork.

What i ran for a time was "KAN" kan keeps any data you erased and you can purge it manually or automated if you like at start of a new session this would be handy but running it under UAE makes little sense because UAE can move all in your trashcan outside the virtual amiga and nothing ever will be lost (except it is overwritten).

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Posted Sun Jul 02, 2023 12:04 pm

Well done. I didn't know of any of those apps (except DOpus). This will for sure make 1.3 a more usable OS for me.

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Posted Sun Feb 18, 2024 2:12 pm


I would like to ask where are the ILBMs of the red car and the red Saturns can be downloaded? (I see, that the Saturn is drawn by "HUD", but i could not find anything about the artist.)

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