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Posted Mon May 31, 2021 11:56 am

Hi All ...

I never had any Amigas (or any Commodore for that matter) back in the day. We had TI 99/4A and RadioShack CoCo. Later we had some 286 with EGA and a mono monitor. I think I got an AdLib or original SoundBlaster for it after a while. I had a friend in high school with an A500 and I used to be amazed at how much fun it was. We knew a rich kid with an A2000 with a huge hard drive. I never could get my parents to buy one and never could afford one myself. Later I was into the console scene and BBSes. The Console boards almost all ran on AmiExpress.

Then a bunch of time past.

In recent years I started getting in retro consoles and CRTs. So much stuff on YouTube. I still had my original Dual ProFighterQ copier and NeoGeoCD stashed away from back in the day along with a Sony KV-34HS510 I got new back in 2003.

Many years ago a friend from back in the console scene days sent me an A1000 he didn't have room to keep. All original in great shape with the original packaging, disks, etc. I promised him I would look after it.
It sat for quite a while. Getting back into consoles was only a matter of time before before YouTube would send me to Amiga videos. I was into demo scene from back in the day as well, so I would seek those vids out.

My friend sent me an A1200 that was recapped but the case was mangled. I have been restoring and upgrading it. I got a nice original case for it. It has a 32GB CF card, Optical mouse, GoTek, External Floppy Drive, Indivision AGA MK3, and an Apollo 1230 Turbo LC with 8MB. I am running it with a Sony MultiScan 17 SF II I have had since new. It has been a ton of fun.
The Courier is back from my BBS days!
I saw Eric's YouTube video about the A1000 Parceiro and I jumped on getting one straight away. The A1200 is a bunch of fun but I wanted to do stuff with WB 1.3 and the OCS machines like the A500 my friend had that I remembered. I never wanted to modify the A1000 like the 1200 and this seemed liked a great way to be able to use that machine while keeping it in original condition.
This weekend I have been working to get the optical mouse kit working with the A1000 and Googled into this thread, viewtopic.php?f=6&t=278. So, here I am. Looking forward to hanging out.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Mon May 31, 2021 1:17 pm

Welcome aboard, SPiFF! And thank you SO much for all of those gorgeous photos. I had to embed them for you as all of the the links broke for some odd reason.

In any case, your A1K looks *mint*! <3 <3

And that Multiscan Sony looks gorgeous. Really nice collection.

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Posted Mon May 31, 2021 1:35 pm

Awesome machines in a wonderful state!

And I had that Sony back then, too. Although admittedly hooked up to PC. Great picture.

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Twickenham , U.K.

Posted Mon May 31, 2021 5:25 pm

Lovely photos. The 1000 is just classic in it beauty

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Zippy Zapp

Posted Wed Jun 02, 2021 8:40 am

WOW, very nice collection. I need to reconnect with my friends that had Amigas back then to see if any of then want to send me their A1000s. LOL.

Does that Sony Monitor support 15khz or are you using the VGA in Workbench or a scan doubler?

I have 2 Sony Trinitron 17" monitors but sadly they don't support 15khz. I still use the newer one with my DOS and classic Macs, the other, a Multiscan 200sf needs repair as it works but is missing green. Both were bought new in the late 90s.

Anyway, welcome and thanks for sharing the pics and story.

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Posted Sat Jun 12, 2021 7:34 am

It is cool to share this stuff with you guys.
Zippy Zapp wrote:
Wed Jun 02, 2021 8:40 am
Does that Sony Monitor support 15khz or are you using the VGA in Workbench or a scan doubler?
No 15khz on this one either. Running with Indivision AGA MK3.

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Posted Sun Apr 17, 2022 8:41 am

I have finally been able to get a 1084-D that isn't trashed or a months worth of wages! It is glorious!


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Posted Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:36 am

What a gorgeous setup!

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Toronto, Canada

Posted Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:25 pm


welcome aboard and great systems ya got there! That A1000 box along makes me drool since my original box got all smashed up a long time ago when I moved from my one bedroom apt to my house :oops: :x

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Posted Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:07 pm

We have a new friend from the UK. PAL A500 w/ 1.3 KS ROM. <3

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