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Posted Mon Jul 26, 2021 12:24 pm

Hi - I'm a newb here and just wanted to say hello. I originally had an Amiga 1000 which I traded for a 2000. I just pulled the 2000 out of storage after 25 years! It took some work (new battery, new ATX PSU, service floppy drives) but it's alive again! Since then, I've added a Terrible Fire accelerator, IDE/CF drive, Gotek, 4X ROM switcher (1.3, 2.0, 3.X, DiagROM), and ECS Agnes and Denise. I'm still using the original 1084 monitor and 1010 external floppy drive. This thing is fun! I haven't re-capped it yet but that's a possible future project. I've included a picture. I hope to be able to find a Commodore user group somewhere nearby. I also have a C64 and VIC20 - fully operational. Thanks for checking this post out!

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:04 pm

Welcome! That's a great-looking A2K you have there. Can I see what the top of your keyboard looks like? Curious which keyboard you got.

Which ATX PSU did you install? Was it a drop-in replacement?

Chances are good you shouldn't need to recap your A2K. It happens, but it's much less common to see those ones go poof like some of the others. Good news on your battery not killing the motherboard. That's the #1 Amiga killer!

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victoria, bc

Posted Tue Jul 27, 2021 10:47 pm

very nice

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Twickenham , U.K.

Posted Wed Jul 28, 2021 3:37 am

Welcome. Great system to have and so many expansion possibilities. If I had the space, I would definitely like to get one of these big box Amigas.

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Toronto, Canada

Posted Fri Oct 15, 2021 12:37 pm

@ abqtsxr

welcome aboard :boing: :commodore: that's a beast of an A2000 :D

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8-Bit Boyz
New Mexico

Posted Wed Jun 28, 2023 6:50 am

@ abqtsxr I know this is now an old post but wanted to reach out and say Hi as a local 505'er! I'm right next door to you here in Rio Rancho, nice to stumble on to local retro folks!

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Posted Wed Jun 28, 2023 8:12 am

Welcome both of you.

You and your wonderful machine. Do you browse with your Amiga? The new iBrowse is surprisingly good.

It’s a bit of a shame that you went for the TF accelerator. I assume it’s in the 68k socket?

There are new accelerator for the CPU slot available from the homebrew community. Which are effectively on par with professional products except for the iComp stuff maybe.

See here:

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