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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:49 am

Time to pick our colors for the indiegogo keycap campaign! I got 4 sets back when the campaign launched in late-2019 right before the pandemic screwed up the world.

Last night I picked the color combos I wanted.
1) Original brown/dark gray to match my original breadbin. This was the set I wanted from the start. Why? Because with nearly all of my breadbin keys (which are double-shot) the white characters have either slightly, or majorly, yellowed.

2) I got a white/gray set in an homage to the C128/Dcr. This will look amazing in my 2015 "white" kickstarter case. There were C64Cs with this color combo, too. And yeah - PETSCII characters on the front face FTW! Very classy.

Blacks for the Blues.

My current daily driver C64 is a Reloaded Mk1, with a Mechboard and blue 2015 Kickstarter case. I got this fine set of black and gray keys to swap out the original blue/grays.


4) Blue/black for my plexilaser case'd C64.

And, by choosing the sets I have, I can mix and match things if I feel like it and still keep all of my colors coordinated.

Unlike the fake Phase 5 campaign scam from 2015, Jim Drew is on the verge of delivering! It's so cool to be right on the precipice after all these years. Jim! Jim! Jim!

For those that backed his campaign, what color combos have you chosen? :commodore: <3

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Posted Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:56 pm

Well, I've backed the following sets:

Contribution 904: Five sets of 4 function keys
- Function key set #1: Orange
- Function key set #2: Dark Gray
- Function key set #3: Gray
- Function key set #4: Brown
- Function key set #5: Black

Contribution 674: Single keycap set
- Keycap set #1: Blue, function keys: Gray

Contribution 192: Four keycap sets - early bird
- Keycap set #1: White, function keys: Blue
- Keycap set #2: Brown, function keys: Dark Gray
- Keycap set #3: Black, function keys: Gray
- Keycap set #4: Gray, function keys: White
Breadbin-Brown C64C case with Keycap-set Brown + DarkGray F-Keys

SX-Style-Gray C64C case with Keycap-set White + Blue F-Keys

Transparent C64C case with Keycap-set Black + Gray F-Keys

Black C64C case with Keycap-set Blue + Gray F-Keys

I've been thinking about additional color-options, but since I have this as original hardware, they've not been taken:

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Posted Fri Mar 18, 2022 6:59 am

Just FYI: There's an important campaign update regading the keycaps.

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