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Posted Mon Oct 17, 2022 2:12 pm

Hello all and Hola from Tejas!

I'm deep diving into the world of Amiga and thought this place would be my first Amiga community.

While I knew of Amigas in the 80's I never had any first hand experience. My first computer was the Commodore VIC-20, but I mostly used Apple ][s, early Macs, and the occasional IBM pc back then. As a person who pushes pixels for a living, I'm fascinated by what an Amiga could do in its heyday.

I do love retro computing and have several retro devices including a TRS-80 model 200, Atari Portfolio, and lots of retro Palm, Psion, and Sony PDAs. So, this fits right in with my retro computing obsession.

I think I'll start with FS-UAE to get my feet wet and see where that takes me.



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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Mon Oct 17, 2022 3:39 pm

Dr. Know - I know exactly where you're coming from. Incidentally, I lived in Dallas and Arlington a looooong time. Where are you located?

I also "push pixels" for a living, and frankly the best place to start with an Amiga - in my opinion - would be an A1000 or A500 barebones stock just to get your feet wet. (For FSUAE, same thing. Keep things simple like you were in 1987 again.)

You could get by quite nicely with a small hard drive upgrade of some sort, then install Deluxe Paint III. That's where the magic really started to happen on Amiga in a big way. For the past few years I've created a couple images that I'm pretty proud of at a stunningly small 320x200 (stretched to fit a monitor) at 16 or 32 colors max. The Amiga can do much more, but that's a pretty great place to start just to learn the tools.

Once you get that under your belt after a few sessions, you'll be on your way! I made a video a couple of years ago showing some of the basic tools.

Anyway, I hope some of these images I made inspire you to keep going, keep pushing, and show us what you come up with!

Note: if you make things on your computer, be sure to stretch the 320x200 to 4:3 after you're done in Photoshop using 'hard edges' or everything will look like a smushed postage stamp.


Sad to admit I didn't produce a piece this year for the Amiga Art Contest, which is always fun to participate in.

Welcome to the site! Hope you have fun and I look forward to seeing what you come up with. If you run into any questions or troubles don't hesitate to ask. Someone here will bend over backwards to help, I'm sure.

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Posted Tue Oct 18, 2022 10:59 am

intric8 wrote:
Mon Oct 17, 2022 3:39 pm
Dr. Know - I know exactly where you're coming from. Incidentally, I lived in Dallas and Arlington a looooong time. Where are you located?
Nice, I'm currently in the Austin area. Would be cool to find an Amiga user group here.
intric8 wrote:
Mon Oct 17, 2022 3:39 pm
Once you get that under your belt after a few sessions, you'll be on your way! I made a video a couple of years ago showing some of the basic tools.

Anyway, I hope some of these images I made inspire you to keep going, keep pushing, and show us what you come up with!
Thanks for sharing your work and the notes about what to use and the tips on exporting. I hope to set aside some time this weekend to dive into FS-UAE and the early versions of AmigaOS (is that what we call it?) :)

Funny thing, I actually found your youtube channel, watched your TRON video and ended-up here because of it.

Thanks for the warm welcome, I look forward to diving into all that the Amiga hobby and have to offer.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Tue Oct 18, 2022 11:16 am

and the early versions of AmigaOS (is that what we call it?)

Although once you get past 3.1 the numbering convention totally falls off the rails and gets really confusing really fast.

To start, sticking with 1.3 will get you pretty much everything you're looking for.
3.1 brings some more creature comforts and different hardware options. But since you're in emulation, I'd keep it simple and old-school. 95% of the published software you'd be using right now was aimed at working on 1.3 anyway.
I actually found your youtube channel, watched your TRON video and ended-up here because of it.
Well damn. You just made my day!

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Posted Thu Dec 15, 2022 12:26 pm

Hurray Texas! I did high school in Killeen. I live in Orlando now, but still visit home a few times a year. My in laws live in Leander and BIL lives in Cedar Park. Too bad I travel light so there isn't much room for an Amiga as a carry on.

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Posted Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:03 am

Appee wrote:
Thu Dec 15, 2022 12:26 pm
Hurray Texas! I did high school in Killeen. I live in Orlando now, but still visit home a few times a year. My in laws live in Leander and BIL lives in Cedar Park. Too bad I travel light so there isn't much room for an Amiga as a carry on.
That's great. I live in the Austin area, so a neighbor to your extended families.

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