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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:03 pm

I'm a big fan of Sarah Jane Avory's 2021 masterpiece Briley Witch Chronicles for C64.

In that game she created a jaw-dropping Zelda-esque adventure game the likes C64 fans had never seen run on their adored computers. The story's superb JRPG style (with a distinct British flair) and graphical brilliance made the game feel almost like a fully playable demo. It was nothing short of amazing.

Fast forward two years later to late 2023.

Briley Witch Chronicles 2 is close to release!

The first game utilized the storyline plucked from Avory's Briley Witch Chronicle novels, and in particular books 1-4. This next game is to be based on books 5 and 6. What's interesting is there are another 4 books in the entire series, which leaves one wondering if there might be even more installments of the game produced in the future. Based on the reception of the original game, if this new addition is anywhere near as much fun we have to hope there might be more. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Briley Witch Chronicles 2 looks and sounds fantastic!

What an amazing time to be a Commodore fan.

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