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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Tue Nov 28, 2023 1:52 pm

The Quadra 700 comes with a decent but not very impressive internal speaker. For most folks, it's enough. But once games and/or CD-ROMs enter the mix it's time to upgrade.

My problem, of course, is that I want close-to-period correct speakers and I want them to be aesthetically and structurally perfect. So, as usual, I create an Ebay search. And I review results on a daily basis and follow this path to nowhere for literally years. It's annoying and very OCD but I (obviously) can't help myself.

I finally got a pair of "new" Apple powered speakers last week. These were born in 1993 when the Q700 was discontinued, but they are close enough to the time period and are the perfect shade of beige. It's kind of funny how enormous they look next to the computer and monitors.

These came in the original box, but lacked the paperwork and top styrofoam. Regardless, I really didn't care about any of that. I mainly went for the boxed type because those more often than not have been owned by folks who are exceptional caretakers of, well, just about anything.

So, last weekend I spent some time redoing the Q700 battlestation. In fact, I removed one of the systems that shared that table and devoted it entirely to the Q.

And yes, it sounds great. =)


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