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Posted Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:32 am

Hi all,

I have an Amiga A1200 but new to this computer. I previously had an A500+ a long time ago. I have performed a number of updates and bought my own copy of Workbench 3.1. I also have a PiStorm fitted to the machine which increases the speed somewhat. Also, just bought myself a Gotek and I although new to this I have worked out how to copy software from the Gotek back to disks etc. and I suppose the next step is adding a switch so I can fool the Amiga into thinking the Gotek is drive DF0 etc.

My problem is I am struggling to play any games on the Amiga either via floppy or directly via the Gotek. I keep getting software failures. I havent yet recapped the board (only just received a recap kit), but I have checked over the caps to ensure no leakage etc. I am wondering if I need to upgrade the actual ROMs on the board itself to 3.1 minimum? I initially assumed not as thought the PiStorm32 lite took over from these but do I have this correct?


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Zippy Zapp

Posted Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:07 am

What era games are these? Are they older games that require, perhaps kickstart 1.3? It was common back then for games to error out on the A1200. It wasn't until I received Relokick that I could enjoy some of my older games again.

Also could the PiStorm be causing an issue too with the games? If you want to isolate it then remove the PiStorm, get your A1200 back to stock and try the games again.

I don't think that upgrading the ROM to 3.1 or later will help with games.

If you don't find any hardware issues then try Relokick as it will soft-kick to 1.3 and solve oh so many game issues.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:14 am

I'm not a PiStorm guy, so I'll bow to those here with experience in that department.

However, on a stock A1200 if I was having software issues across both the original internal floppy as well as the external Gotek I'd want to do a quick swap with the Paula chip and see if there was any difference in behavior.
The Paula chip ... is the interrupt controller, but also includes logic for audio playback, floppy disk drive control, serial port input/output and mouse/joystick buttons two and three signals. The logic remained functionally identical across all Amiga models from Commodore.
While the A1200 is notorious at this point for needing a recap (and you absolutely should do that) I'd be surprised if it caused your current issues. But with a PiStorm in the mix?

Did you have these issues prior to installing the PiStorm?

As ZippyZapp said, I doubt you're having issues with games from a Workbench versioning perspective unless you've got some that are aiming at the most popular version ever. The #1 guaranteed OS to work with any game will be (drum roll) OS 1.3. :joystick:

If you're getting gurus, though, my feeling is its either the Pi or the Paula. I agree with ZZ that removing some of the updates is a sound troubleshooting (if tedious) approach at this point just to zero in on the problem.

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