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Worksop/ UK

Posted Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:56 am

What? It is Wordworth on the Amiga using Wordworth fonts, the Amiga doesn't use Windows fonts. Anyway like I said, it isn't a problem because Wordworth loads the file anyway. You can always choose fonts once the RTF file is loaded.

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Detroit, MI, USA

Posted Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:07 am

I think that's part of Intric8's deal though, he kind of wants as much of the original formating intact as possible... I would imagine the desire would be to include the fonts in that. I think that's why he's all into Word Perfect, he doesn't want to mess with it on either computer once he's done with it on the first I was thinking you were saying you could save it in rich text on the Amiga, then Windows was complaining about fonts. In that case I would "imagine" you could search for equivalent fonts that could be used on Windows if you wish to maintain a certain "look". Of course, finding equivalent fonts from today on the Amiga is another story, a much harder process...

- Anyway, it's not my thing, so I'm not exactly an authority on the matter. As long as I can save it in a text mode and have breaks included I'm very happy.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:07 am

I have Wordworth 4, which came bundled with my Amiga in the box when I bought it. It's probably one of the most modern in terms of file support for sure. But it definitely wasn't made in 1998 - not the version I have. I think they went all the way to version 7 or something like that, long after the demise of Commodore.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:17 am

Oh, I should clarify.

I don't intend on bringing documents from the PC to the Amiga, just from the Amiga to the PC (although being able to transfer in either direction seems nice, it's not a necessity for me at least). In terms of formatting, my basic wish is respecting line breaks. Exporting a file's text and opening it up to be one long string of characters is a loser, IMO. It has to at least respect line breaks or what's the point? That took me down the RTF road, which both Wordworth and Final Writer can perform.

Just the writing was painful.

My problem with them (I run an A1200 & Commodore 1084S monitor) is that the screen fonts stink. They really are not easy on the eyes at all. I found one font with Excellence (maybe 2) that are acceptable, but still nothing as easy to visually consume as a basic shell window! They really are bad. I need to perform tests on Excellence to see how its export performs. Ironically, its default file format is .doc! Surely that wouldn't confuse my PC. :)

So far I've tried Final Writer, Wordworth & Excellence! and will try TextCraft Plus this week. I still have a feeling WordPerfect will be the winner, if I could ever find it, though.

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Worksop/ UK

Posted Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:29 am

Yes, this is version 7 although the one I am running is a beta. It has been stable all the time I've used it though so you wouldn't know.
It has loaded all the RTF files I threw at it, some with multiple pages and email/web links in them and it displayed them correctly. I saved one file back on the Amiga under a different name and opened it with Write on Windows and that also displayed correctly, so it seems exchanging RTF files isn't a problem.
The only thing I haven't tried yet is RTF files containing pictures, I may try that later. Wordworth does have menu items concerning pictures so it does support them.

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Seattle, WA, USA

Posted Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:52 pm

In my preliminary tests, Textcraft Plus appears to be a bust, but oh my god it was so close.

The first time I started it up, I set the Amiga to boot into NTSC and OCS, then booted from floppy disk. It loaded the 1.2 fabulous blue WorkBench, and similarly loaded into blue UI chrome and white "paper" to type on.

Textcraft is certainly the most basic word processor made for the Amiga, and I'd venture to guess the first ever, too. From what I've read in some ancient archives, it came packaged with some Amiga systems back in the day. As such, it doesn't even allow the changing of fonts. But, the one and only you get is a perfect screen font, gorgeous in its crispness and readability.

I began to get excited. I typed up a quick document, and selected Save As from the menu.


I rebooted and set the machine to OCS again and NTSC but let if fire up into 3.1 grayness this time.

And now, oh my lord, the Textcraft UI transformed with a black UI and black paper with white text! It was fantastic! I typed a new document with a few paragraph breaks and went to Save.


I can't save a document at all, no matter what I do. I am pretty sure the disk is 100% fine. I may install the software to HDD and try one more time, but I have a feeling this may be for Amiga 1000s or 500s only with original WB - and even then it might still be buggy. My 500 is in a box - I may test it some other time on that machine. But either way this is a fail for me as my 500 isn't my daily driver.

So close. The UI is zen-like simple and the font is completely perfect for my needs. But I'm willing to bet if I can't even save a file, the chance of it respecting line breaks is mighty slim, too. May never know...
Gorgeous black-paper with white font when booted into WB 3.1. If only it would save!

Nice pretty screen font. Just the one is all you get, but that's OK.

Amiga Textcraft Plus

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Detroit, MI, USA

Posted Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:02 pm

haha! Textcraft does look nice, and it brings back memories... You're making me want to review all these processors! Sucks about the never ending crashing... Can't say that was ever an issue with me back in the day... But who knows what could be messing with it. If you can make them into .adf's and send them over I'll give them a go on mine to see if it's a disk/system issue.

I guess I'm not understanding the large quest when all you're hoping for is line breaks... While I have come across this issue, I know there's a sure fire way to both save it in ASCII format from PC or Amiga and read it with breaks on PC and Amiga, everytime. I mean with however the hell I do it... Again, that's just one of those things I experienced, figured out, and then never thought about again. The rich text thing is not a requirement for line breaks, although I'm sure that would guarantee it. I know I've both saved from Excellence and brought it back to PC looking fine and the same from PC to Excellence.

- At least I think I have... hhaha. Now you're making me wonder... I've done it more from the PC to the Amiga, but I've also sent stuff the other way. I mean you got it working, too, right? It wouldn't work using regular notepad but you put it in wordpad and it worked, or am I forgetting? Of course I could go to the start of the topic and find out myself... hahah...

Is the primary goal to have the best word processor you personally enjoy working with, via looking at the monitor and its fonts, and be able to transfer that with line breaks to the PC? Or are you also looking for bold, underline, and italics to come through, where having that would be above the way it looks and feels?

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Detroit, MI, USA

Posted Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:16 pm

... and as much as you think print is dead... dammit all of this is making me want to find my old dot-matrix on ebay and get it going again... The sound is just as memorable as the "read-write error" thing...

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Worksop/ UK

Posted Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:52 am

Just a small update. I have been using Wordworth 7 for the last few days on my A1200. It has had no problems exchanging rtf files with my PC in either direction, and prints just fine to my network laser printer.
I think I will continue to use this for the small amount of document use I do.

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Maryland, USA

Posted Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:46 pm

I still use Final Writer 97 on my A2000. It's the best Amiga processor for my use. Up until this last move (5 months ago) I had this hooked to an HP 4M Laser printer, with excellent results (no color though, obviously).
The later word processors for the Amiga, would not work with a stock A500, or A1000, due to the lack of power of the 68000 CPU. IIRC, even Final Copy needed at least an '020, and 2.1 OS to work.

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